Thursday, December 12, 2013

An Introduction To MySQL Storage Engines

An Introduction To MySQL Storage Engines
MySQL provides support for thirteen different storage engines which act as varying table type handlers. Most people who use MySQL on a regular basis already know about the two most common storage engines, MyISAM and InnoDB. Most of the time, the default storage engine as defined by the store_engine option in the MySQL config file is typically MyISAM, and this is usually what most people go with. In fact, many people do not even take the time to select a storage-engine, and just use the default. You can also assign a storage engine to a specific table with the following syntax: CREATE TABLE tablename (column1, column2, [etc...]) ENGINE = [storage_engine].
What is a Storage Engine?
For those of you who do not know, a storage engine is what stores, handles, and retrieves information from a table. There is no "perfect" or "recommended" storage engine to use, but for most applications the default MyISAM is fine. In MySQL there are 10 different storage engines, though all of them may not be available to you. To get a list of supported storage engines on your MySQL Server, you can do:
This should provide a list of supported storage engines for your server. The standard engines supported by MySQL are:
  • MyISAM
  • InnoDB
  • BDB (BerkeleyDB)
  • CSV
  • ISAM
The benefits to selecting a storage engine comes down to the added benefits of speed and functionality. For example, if you store a lot of log data you might want to use the ARCHIVE storage engine which only supports INSERT and SELECT. All storage engines can be selected per server, per database and per table, giving you fine-grained control over your schema. MySQL storage engines is a major reason why MySQL has gained such popularity over the years, as opposed to other single-storage-engine supporting databases.

As stated earlier, MyISAM is the typical default storage engine for MySQL servers. The MyISAM type is actually a branch, or child, of the ISAM engine. If you are ok with not having TRANSACTION, and with having table-level locking as opposed to row-level locking, MyISAM is typically the best for performance and functionality. The MyISAM type is great for sites that have a very low INSERT/UPDATE rate and a very high SELECT rate. Other options might want to be considered with very high INSERT/UPDATE queries due to the restrictions of table-level locking causing a decrease in performance.
The max number of rows supported for MyISAM is ~4.29E+09 with up to 64 indexs per table. It is also good to note that fields of TEXT/BLOB can be fully indexed for cases such as searching.

Compared to MyISAM, InnoDB provides many more feature to increase performance. There is some additional time spent during initial setup, as opposed to MyISAM, but the benefits far outweigh the time spent. One major difference is the ability to do row-level locking, as opposed to table-level locking, to increase performance time. This allows parallel INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries to be ran on the same table, unlike MyISAM where each query has to wait its turn to run.
Additionally, InnoDB provides foreign key functionality. This allows you to ensure that dependent data in table one is present before inserting data into table two. Likewise, it prevents data in table one from being deleted if there is data in table two that depends on it.
InnoDB also provides caching for data and indexes in memory, as well as on disk, which provides a large increase in performance gain. For those low on RAM this might not be the ideal solution, but with memory as cheap as it is this is becoming less of an issue.

The MERGE storage engine was added in MySQL 3.23.25. It enables users to have a collection of identical MyISAM tables to be handeled by a single table. There are constraints to this type, such as all tables needing to have the same definition, but the usefullness here quickly becomes apparently. If you store sales transactions on your site in a daily table, and want to pull a report for the month, this would allow you to execute a query against a single table to pull all sales for the month.

The HEAP storage engine, also referred to as MEMORY, provides in-memory tables. MySQL Server will retain the format of the tables in order to quickly create a "trash" table and access the information on the fly for better processing, it is not great for long term usage due to data integrity. Similar to InnoDB, this is not for the light of RAM.

BDB (BerkeleyDB)
The BDB handles transaction-safe tables and uses a hash based storage system. This allows for some of the quickest reading of data, especially when paired with unique keys. There are, however, many downfalls to the BDB system, including the speed on un-index rows, and this makes the BDB engine a less than perfect engine choice. Because of this, many people tend to overlook the BDB engine. I feel, however, that it does have a place in database design when the right situation calls for it.

This storage engine was added in MySQL 4.1.3. It is a "stub" engine that serves no real purpose, except to programmers. EXAMPLE provides the ability to create tables, but no information can be inserted or retrieved.

The ARCHIVE storage engine was added in MySQL 4.1.3 as well, and is used for storing large amounts of data without indexes in a very small footprint. This engine will only support INSERT and SELECT, and all information is compresses. This makes it the perfect storage engine for logs, point of sale transactions, accounting, etc. While this may seem very useful, keep in mind that when reading data the entire table must be de-compressed and read before data can be returned. Therefore, this is the ideal engine for storage that is only called on a low-rate basis.
CSV, added in MySQL 4.1.4, stores data in text files using comma-separated values. As such this is not an ideal engine for large data storage, tables requiring indexing, etc. The best use-case for this is transferring data to a spreadsheet for later use.

Though seemingly poinless at first, the BLACKHOLE engine, which does not allow for any data to be stored or retrieved, is good for testing database structures, indexes, and queries. You can still run INSERTS against a BLACKHOLE table, with the knowledge that all inserts will vanish into the void.

The original storage engine was ISAM, which managed nontransactional tables. This engine has since been replaced by MyISAM, and while MySQL Engineers recommend that it should no longer be used, it does have its place in this article for historical purposes. If you feel that you need to use ISAM, just remember that MyISAM is backwards compatiable and should provide you with everything and more.
In conclusion, while there is no perfect catchall storage engine, it can be fairly safe to say that InnoDB and MyISAM are the typical go-to for many applications and DBAs. It is good to note, however, that though they are a good catchall, they may not be ideal for every situation and there may be another storage engine available that will increase performance in your application/environment.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

How to Install Asterisk 11 on CentOS 6

Asterisk 11 installation on CentOS 6

yum update -y
Disable SELinux
sed -i s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g /etc/selinux/config
yum install -y make wget openssl-devel ncurses-devel newt-devel libxml2-devel kernel-devel gcc gcc-c++ sqlite-devel libuuid-devel
mkdir /usr/src/asterisk
cd /usr/src/asterisk
tar zxvf dahdi-linux-complete*
tar zxvf libpri*
tar zxvf asterisk*

Install DAHDI
 cd /usr/src/asterisk/dahdi-linux-complete*
make && make install && make config


Install libpri
cd /usr/src/asterisk/libpri*
make && make install

Install Asterisk
cd /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk
Use this command if you are installing Asterisk on 32bit CentOS
./configure && make menuselect && make && make install
Use this command if you are installing Asterisk on 64bit CentOS
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 && make menuselect && make && make install
make samples
make config
Start DAHDI.
Start Asterisk
service asterisk start
service dahdi start
Connect to the Asterisk CLI.
asterisk -rvvv

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Android Application Development

1 - Download and Install the Java JDK
2 - Installing Eclipse and Setting up the ADT
3 - Installing Android SDK and Set up Emulator
4 - Setting up an Android Project
5 - Overview of Project and Adding Folders
6 - Introduction to Layouts in XML
7 - Creating A Button in XML and Adding an ID
8 - Setting up Variables and Referencing XML ids
9 - Set up a Button with OnClickListener
10 - Using setText method for our button
11 - Adding Resources and Setting Background
12 - Setting up an Activity and Using SetContentView

15 - How to Start a New Activity via Intent
16 - Activity Life Cycle
17 - Adding Music with MediaPlaye
18 - Create a List Menu from the ListActivity class
19 - Setting up an ArrayAdapter
20 - Starting an Activity with a Class Object
21 - Finishing ListActivity
22 - XML Introducting the EditText
23 - XML ToggleButton, WeightSum, and Layout Weight
24 - XML Padding and Setting Toggle to On
25 - Quick Review by setting up a new Activity
26 - If Toggle Button is checked
27 - Set the Input Type of an EditText
28 - Comparing Strings with else if
29 - Set Gravity within Java
30 - Setting Color of a TextView in Java
31 - Wheres the Fridge, thats Random
32 - Switch and Case
33 - Creating a Method
34 - Implementing Classes for Better Programming
35 - XML ScrollView and AnalogClock
36 - Setting up An Email Activity
37 - PutExtra method for an Email Intent
38 - XML ImageView for Camera Application
39 - Starting an Activity for a Result
40 - Getting Data from a different Activity
41 - Finish Camera and Wallpaper App
42 - Using BitmapFactory and InputStream to set Bitmap
43 - Set Fixed Screen Orientation
44 - XML Relative Layout
45 - RadioButtons in a RadioGroup
46 - Set the Radio to the OnCheckedChangeListener
47 - Passing a String between Activities
48 - Recieving Bread String from Activity
49 - StartActivityForResult setup
50 - setResult for the Start Activity For Result
51 - Setting up a Menu with MenuInflater
52 - Making MenuItems do something
53 - Text Activity with Theme
54 - Setting up Preferences
55 - Setting up a String array resource
56 - Creating a PreferenceActivity
57 - Accessing Preferences from an Activity
58 - More with Preferences
59 - Altered Landscape Layout
60 - Creating Custom Buttons
61 - Full Screen Activities
62 - Custom Animation Class
63 - Using a Constructor to pass Context
64 - Drawing Bitmaps to Canvas View
65 - Animating a Bitmap
66 - Using the Asset Folder for Typeface
67 - Setting up a SurfaceView class
68 - Setting up Animation Thread
69 - Locking and Unlocking a Canvas
70 - Establishing a Better Animation Thread
71 - Setting up the OnTouch Method
72 - Defining a Class within a Class
73 - Graphics Trick
74 - MotionEvents and Motion Actions
75 - Game Programming concept
76 - Cleaning up some Errors
77 - Sleeping to Achieve desired FPS
78 - WakeLock to keep you app from sleeping
79 - SoundPool helps with explosions
80 - Using the OnLongClick method
81 - SlidingDrawer Example
82 - Introduction to the FrameLayout
83 - Methods of the SlidingDrawer
84 - Tabs setup with TabHost
85 - Setting up the TabHost in Java
86 - Creating Tabs in Java
87 - Getting the Time from the System
88 - Formatting and using the Modulus
89 - Create a Browser with WebView
90 - WebView navigation methods
91 - Set WebView Client for a Brower app
92 - WebView Settings
93 - Hiding the Keyboard
94 - ViewFlipper Example
95 - Saving Data with SharedPreferences
96 - SharedPreferences Editor
97 - Loading SharedPreferences Data
98 - File Output Stream for Internal Storage
99 - Writing Data to File Output Stream
100 - File Input Stream
101 - Async Task class to load stuff
102 - The 4 AsyncTask Methods
103 - ProgressDialog and Correction
104 - External Storage State
105 - Spinners and ArrayAdapter
106 - OnItemSelected and File Directories
107 - Toggling Visibility
108 - InputStream and OutputStream
109 - Write External Data Permission
110 - Media Scanner Connection
111 - TableLayout and Intro SQLite Database
112 - Setting up SQLite Database Variables
113 - SQLite class implementing SQLiteOpenHelper
114 - Creating SQLite Database
115 - Opening SQLite database to write
116 - Closing SQLite Database
117 - Inserting Data into SQLite Database
118 - How to Create a Dialog
119 - Setting up method to Read SQLite
120 - Reading SQLite Database with Cursor
121 - Setting up more SQLite methods
122 - Getting a Specific Entry
123 - Updating SQLite Entry
124 - Deleting Entry from SQLite Database
125 - Setting up a Accelerometer class
126 - Setting up Sensor Manager
127 - OnSensorChanged accelerometer method
128 - Finishing Accelerometer and unregistering
129 - Setting up a Google Maps Activity
130 - Obtaining Google Maps API debug key
131 - Displaying the MapView
132 - MapView Overlay
133 - Overlay MotionEvent time
134 - AlertDialog methods and ClickListener
135 - Compass and Map Controller
136 - Geocoder and GeoPoint
137 - Geocoding a Location for an Address
138 - Toggling Street and Satellite views
139 - ItemizedOverlay to draw on our Map
140 - Creating a Custom pinpoint
141 - Placing a Pinpoint on a MapView
142 - LocationManager and Location Permissions
143 - Criteria and getting Location
144 - Updating with OnLocationChanged method
145 - Exporting apk and signing keystore
146 - Obtaining Key for a specific Project
147 - Introduction to HttpClient
148 - Executing HttpGet on a Http Client
149 - Viewing Internet data via StringBuffer
150 - Introduction to JSON parsing
151 - JSONArrays and JSONObjects
152 - Appending with StringBuilder
153 - Reading JSON information
154 - Setting up XML Parsing Project
155 - StringBuilder and XML Parsing Framework
156 - Setting up a parsed XML data collection class
157 - SAXParserFactory and XMLReader
158 - Start Element method
159 - Finishing XML parser
160 - Creating a Widget receiver
161 - Setting up Widget Configuration Activity
162 - Basic Widget Design
163 - Updating and Deleting Widget
164 - Updating a Widget TextView
165 - Setting up Widget Configuration Class
166 - Relating Context with the Widget Manager
167 - PendingIntent and widget Buttons
168 - Introduction to OpenGL ES
169 - OpenGL Renderer Basics
170 - Rendering A Background
171 - OpenGl 2D vertices
172 - Byte and Float Buffers
173 - ShortBuffer to handle Indices
174 - Creating Draw method for OpenGL
175 - glDrawElements method
176 - OpenGL Boosting Performance
177 - On Surface Changed
178 - Using GLU to set up the Camera
179 - 3D Cube Intro
180 - Indices of a Cube
181 - OpenGL Culling
182 - 3D Rotation
183 - OpenGL Vertex Color Buffer
184 - Stock Android SDK Themes
185 - Voice Recognition
186 - Voice Recognition Result
187 - Text to Speech
188 - Set Language and Speak
189 - Notifiying Status Bar
190 - Setting up a Notification
191 - Notification Manager Methods
192 - AudioManager Methods
193 - Changing the Volume with a SeekBar
194 - Downloading Admob SDK
195 - Adding External Jar
196 - Adding Admob Ad via XML
197 - Adding Ad Unit Id and Ad Size
198 - Adding Admob Ads via Java
199 - Putting an App on the Market
200 - Updating Application

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Enabling presence in Freeswitch

Enabling presence in Freeswitch

If we want FreeSWITCH to be able to manage "Peer to Peer" presence, we will enable the presence option in, at least, internal.xml and external.xml profiles. The "manage-presence" parameter only must be set up to true inside internal.xml, for the rest of profiles we will set it up to passive. As a shared database for shared presence we can use "share_presence" (this is a SQLite database that comes with FS installation). We must also add our server dns hostname (or our server public IP) to the "presence-hosts" variable. Our internal.xml file should have this configuration about presence:
<param name="manage-presence" value="true"/>
<param name="send-presence-on-register" value="true"/>
<param name="presence-probe-on-register" value="true"/>
<param name="presence-proto-lookup" value="true"/>
<param name="manage-shared-appearance" value="true"/>
<param name="dbname" value="share_presence"/>
<param name="presence-hosts" value="$${domain}"/>
<param name="force-register-domain" value="$${domain}"/>
<param name="force-register-db-domain" value="$${domain}"/>
Our external.xml file should have this configuration about presence:
<param name="manage-presence" value="passive"/>
<param name="manage-shared-appearance" value="true"/>
 <param name="dbname" value="share_presence"/>
<param name="presence-hosts" value="$${domain}"/>
<param name="force-register-domain" value="$${domain}"/>
<param name="force-register-db-domain" value="$${domain}"/>
With this configuration our FreeSWITCH should be able to manage presence correclty. If you are getting errors and want to debug, for FS to include presence debug in its log, set up the "debug-presence" parameter in the file "/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/sofia.conf.xml" as follows:
<param name="debug-presence" value="0"/>
You can more information about presence for FS here sofia.conf.xml, and FS presence.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Configuring T1 Controllers on cisco router

Configuring T1 Controllers

Step 1 
Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted.
Step 2 
configure terminal
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 3 
card type {e1 | t1} slot subslot
Router(config)# card type t1 0 0
Sets the card type. The command has the following syntax:
slot—Slot number of the interface.
When the command is used for the first time, the configuration takes effect immediately. A subsequent change in the card type does not take effect unless you enter the reload command or reboot the router.
Note When you use the card type command to change the configuration of an installed card, you must first use the no card type {e1 | t1} slot subslot command. Then use the card type {e1 | t1} slot subslot command for the new configuration information.
Step 4 
Router(config-controller)# framing esf
Specifies the framing type.
Step 5 
Router(config-controller)# linecode b8zs
Specifies the line code format.
Step 6 
channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24 
speed 64 
Specifies the channel-group and time slots to be mapped. After you configure a channel-group, the serial interface is automatically created.
The default speed of the channel-group is 64.
The supported range for channel-group is 0 to 23.
Step 7 
cablelength {long [-15db | -22.5db 
| -7.5db | 0db] short [110ft | 
220ft | 330ft| 440ft | 550ft | 
Configures the cable length.
Step 8 
Router(config-controller)# exit 
Exits controller configuration mode.
Step 9 
Router(config)# interface serial 
Configures the serial interface. Specify the T1 slot (always 0), port number, and channel-group.
Step 10 
Router(config-if)# encapsulation 
Enters the following command to configure PPP encapsulation.
Step 11 
Router(config-if)# keepalive 
[period [retries]]
Enables keepalive packets on the interface and specify the number of times that keepalive packets will be sent without a response the interface is brought down:
Step 12 
Router(config)# exit
Exits configuration mode.

Configuring E1 Controllers on cisco router

Configuring E1 Controllers

Step 1 

Router> enable
 Enables privileged EXEC mode.
•Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 
 configure terminal

Router# configure terminal
 Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 
 controller e1 slot/port

Router(config)# controller e1 0/0

 Specifies the controller that you want to configure.

Step 4 
 framing {crc4 | no-crc4}

Router(config-controller)# framing crc4
 Specifies the framing type.

Step 5 
 linecode hdb3

Router(config-controller)# linecode hdb3
 Specifies the line code format.

Step 6 
 Router(config-controller)# channel-group channel-no timeslots timeslot-list speed {64}

Router(config-controller)# channel-group 0 timeslots 1-31 speed 64
 Specifies the channel-group and time slots to be mapped. After you configure a channel-group, the serial interface is automatically created. The syntax is:

•channel-no—ID number to identify the channel group. The valid range is from 0-30.

•timeslot-list—Timeslots (DS0s) to include in this channel-group. The valid time slots are from 1-31.

•speed {64}—The speed of the DS0.

The example configures the channel-group and time slots for the E1 controller:

Note When you are using the channel-group channel-no timeslots timeslot-list {64} command to change the configuration of an installed card, you must enter the no channel-group channel-no timeslots timeslot-list speed {64} command first. Then enter the channel-group channel-no timeslots timeslot-list {64} command for the new configuration information.

Step 7 
 Router(config-controller)# exit

 Exits controller configuration mode.

Step 8 
 interface serial slot/port:channel

Router(config)# interface serial 0/0:1

 Configures the serial interface. Specify the E1 slot, port number, and channel-group.

When the prompt changes to Router(config-if), you have entered interface configuration mode.

Note To see a list of the configuration commands available to you, enter ? at the prompt or press the Help key while in the configuration mode.

Step 9 
 encapsulation ppp

Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
 Specifies PPP encapsulation on the interface.

Step 10 
 keepalive [period [retries]]

Router(config-if)# keepalive [period [retries]]
 Enables keepalive packets on the interface and specify the number of times keepalive packets are sent without a response before the router disables the interface.

Step 11 
 Router(config-if)# end
 Exits interface configuration mode.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

asterisk Special Extensions

Handling Special Extensions

We have the basics of an auto-attendant created, but now let's make it a bit more robust. We need to be able to handle special situations, such as when the caller enters an invalid extension, or doesn't enter an extension at all. Asterisk has a set of special extensions for dealing with situations like there. They all are named with a single letter, so we recommend you don't create any other extensions named with a single letter. The most common special extensions include:

i: the invalid entry extension

If Asterisk can't find an extension in the current context that matches the digits dialed during the Background() or WaitExten() applications, it will send the call to the i extension. You can then handle the call however you see fit.

t: the reponse timeout extension

When the caller waits too long before entering a response to the Background() or WaitExten() applications, and there are no more priorities in the current extension, the call is sent to the t extension.

s: the start extension

When an analog call comes into Asterisk, the call is sent to the s extension. The s extension is also used in macros.
Please note that the s extension is not a catch-all extension. It's simply the location that analog calls and macros begin. In our example above, it simply makes a convenient extension to use that can't be easily dialed from the Background() and WaitExten() applications.

h: the hangup extension

When a call is hung up, Asterisk executes the h extension in the current context. This is typically used for some sort of clean-up after a call has been completed.

o: the operator extension

If a caller presses the zero key on their phone keypad while recording a voice mail message, and the o extension exists, the caller will be redirected to the o extension. This is typically used so that the caller can press zero to reach an operator.

a: the assistant extension

This extension is similar to the o extension, only it gets triggered when the caller presses the asterisk (*) key while recording a voice mail message. This is typically used to reach an assistant.

exten => s,1,Answer(500)
   same => n(loop),Background(press-1&or&press-2)
   same => n,WaitExten()
exten => 1,1,Playback(you-entered)
   same => n,SayNumber(1)
   same => n,Goto(s,loop)
exten => 2,1,Playback(you-entered)
   same => n,SayNumber(2)
   same => n,Goto(s,loop)
exten => i,1,Playback(option-is-invalid)
   same => n,Goto(s,loop)
exten => t,1,Playback(are-you-still-there)
   same => n,Goto(s,loop)


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Choose the Optimal MySQL Data Type

How to Choose the Optimal MySQL Data Type

The MySQL relational database management system (RDBMS) supports a wide range of data types. The data type that you chose for your table columns is important because it determines how MySQL will store your data. It’s possible that any one of multiple data types could be used to store a piece of data, but which one is the best or optimal data type to use?

What’s Optimal?

I would define optimal as taking the least amount of storage space and/or being the fastest in terms of search or data retrieval. The MySQL manual says:
“For optimum storage, you should try to use the most precise type in all cases. For example, if an integer column is used for values in the range from 1 to 99999, MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED is the best type. Of the types that represent all the required values, this type uses the least amount of storage.”

MySQL Data Types

MySQL supports a number of data types in several categories: numeric types, date and time types, and string (character) types. Data types have been created to serve a specific purpose. Some are optimal for storing small amounts of text, others large amounts of text, others dates, others numbers etc… When creating your tables it is best practice to understand what type of data each column will be storing and choose the appropriate data type. This is a large and complex area so I aim to give a brief overview with some useful examples and tips.

Example of Incorrect Data Type Usage

The TEXT data type is designed to store string types and has a maximum length of 65,535 bytes (roughly equivalent to the same number of characters). Therefore it’s intended for storing relatively large strings. The VARCHAR data type stores variable-length strings with a range of 0 to 255 before (MySQL 5.0.3). Therefore this is intended for storing relatively small strings. The storage required for TEXT columns is the length of the data plus 2 bytes, whereas the VARCHAR columns require the length of the data plus one byte. It’s not much of a saving but when you have a table with millions of records every little helps!
When storing a number you could theoretically use TEXT or VARCHAR data types and you’d still be able to add, edit, delete and search your data as you would expect. However, it’s much better to store the number in one of MySQL’s numeric data types. Storing a number using the optimal data type means that it uses less storage space and your table can be searched faster.

Examples and Best Practices


Numbers should usually be stored using one of MySQL’s numeric data types. The numeric data types that you’ll probably use most often are TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INT and DECIMAL.
The first four numeric data types are used to store integers (whole numbers including negative numbers) with varying minimum and maximum values. For example, TINYINT columns can store integers ranging from -128 to 127 and INT can store integers ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647. The storage requirement for TINYINT columns is 1 byte and for INT columns it is 4 bytes. (SMALLINT and MEDIUMINT cover the numbers in between these values.) Therefore if you know that a column will hold integers ranging from 1 to 99 you should use the TINYINT data type, as it requires less storage.

Unsign Your Integers!

You can extend the numeric range of these numeric data types by giving them the UNSIGNED attribute. This means that negative values are not permitted and allows TINYINT columns to store integers ranging from 0 to 255 and INT columns to store integers ranging from 0 to 4294967295. This means that you can use a data type with a smaller storage requirement for a larger number of negative values are not needed.

Storing Money in MySQL

Or more accurately, storing monetary values! Whilst you could, or course, store monetary values as strings (e.g. VARCHAR), the optimal data type is DECIMAL. This numeric data type is used to store exact numeric data values (i.e. numbers with a decimal point). The MySQL manual explains that DECIMAL is “used to store values for which it is important to preserve exact precision, for example with monetary data“.
When declaring a DECIMAL column the precision and scale are specified, for example DECIMAL(5,2). MySQL explains that:
In this example, 5 is the precision and 2 is the scale. The precision represents the number of significant digits that are stored for values, and the scale represents the number of digits that can be stored following the decimal point. If the scale is 0, DECIMAL and NUMERIC values contain no decimal point or fractional part.


Strings (characters, text etc…) can also be stored using a number of different data types. The main types that you’ll come across are CHAR, VARCHAR and TEXT. As we saw previously, the TEXT data type is used to store large strings (65,535 bytes) so you’d usually use this to store larger amounts of text.
So what about storing short strings? Should you use CHAR or VARCHAR? Both data types can hold between 0 and 255 bytes (VARCHAR can hold up to 65,535 bytes as of MySQL 5.0.3) so how to you choose? Each data type has its advantages and disadvantages.


The length of a CHAR column is fixed to the length that you declare when you create the table, and stored values are right-padded with spaces to the specified length. So if you define a column as CHAR(255) even if you only insert a few characters the storage requirement will be 255 bytes. However, CHAR columns also have a speed advantage. Because they are fixed-length, MySQL can search CHAR columns faster than variable-length columns. However, a caveat is that the whole table must be fixed-length in order to benefit from the increased performance. If you have any other VARCHAR or TEXT columns in the table then the rows become variable-length and there is no speed increase.


Values in VARCHAR columns are variable-length strings. In contrast to CHAR, VARCHAR values are stored as a one-byte length prefix plus data. So as with the example above, if you define a column as VARCHAR(255) and only insert 5 characters the storage requirement will only be 6 bytes. Therefore if your strings will be of variable length, the VARCHAR data type will require less storage.


If your table will only contain fixed-length columns then use CHAR to take advantage of MySQL’s faster searching. However, if any of your columns will be variable length then use VARCHAR for its smaller storage requirement.


Whilst you could store a date as a text string, MySQL has more optimal ways of storing dates!

Unix Timestamp

One perfectly valid way to store dates would be as a Unix timestamp. A Unix timestamp is a 10-digit representation of the number of seconds since the Unix epoch of 1st January 1970. This could be stored as a CHAR column, requiring 10 bytes storage, but the most optimal data type is the numeric INT(UNSIGNED) type, requiring just 4 bytes storage.
Unix timestamps are particularly useful if you’re using PHP, as the date() function will display them in your chosen format and you can calculate dates by adding or subtracting a number of seconds (86400 is equivalent to 24 hours etc…).
One drawback of using Unix timestamps is that they’re not human readable straight from the database. Would you know what date 1262986313 refers to? Another is that due to the 10-digit length, Unix timestamps may have problems at 3:14:07AM on 19th January 2038 when the value 9999999999 is reached!


Until recently I used Unix timestamps to store dates in MySQL, but I’ve now started using the DATETIME data type. This is designed specifically to store both the date and time as 2010-01-08 15:00:00 (for example).
One disadvantage is that this requires 8 bytes storage – double that of a Unix timestamp. But I believe that the advantages of using DATETIME rather than Unix timestamps outweighs this disadvantage.
Firstly dates stored using DATETIME are human-readable straight out of the database. So if you’re browsing your data with phpMyAdmin you can see what your dates actually mean!
Secondly MySQL has a whole host of built-in functions to work with native DATETIME formats. You can add and subtract dates, calculate the difference between dates, output the date in your preferred format and much more using MySQL alone and without involving additional PHP (for example) scripting.
And finally, if you really want to output your DATETIME column as a Unix timestamp, MySQL has a built-in function to do that, too!
Note that MySQL can also store the year alone, the date alone and a number of related types.



ENUM columns provide an efficient way to define columns that can contain only a given set of values. So if a column will only ever contain ‘var 1′, ‘var 2′ or ‘var 3′ (for example), you should use the ENUM data type. Due to the way that MySQL stores the data it is much more efficient than storing the data as a string.
An example of when this is useful is setting a switch to specify whether a user account is active or disabled. Instead of storing ‘active’ or ‘disabled’ as VARCHAR values, use ENUM instead.


Although data can often be stored in various data type columns, there’s usually one data type that is optimal for your data. Using that optimal data type will bring benefits in terms of storage and possibly speed, and is best practice for any website developer.
Reference Link

mysql query optimization tips

Three easy ways to optimize your MySQL queries

Any database programmer will tell you that in high-traffic database-driven applications, a single badly-designed SQL query can significantly impact the overall performance of your application. Not only does such a query consume more database time than it ideally should, but it can have an exponential effect on the performance of other application components.
Optimizing query performance is as much a black art as a science, as heavily dependent on the developer's intuition as on hard statistical performance data. Fortunately, databases likes MySQL come with some tools to aid the process, and this article discusses three of them briefly: using indexes, analyzing queries with EXPLAIN, and adjusting MySQL's internal configuration.

#1: Using indexes

MySQL allows you to index database tables, making it possible to quickly seek to records without performing a full table scan first and thus significantly speeding up query execution. You can have up to 16 indexes per table, and MySQL also supports multi-column indexes and full-text search indexes.
Adding an index to a table is as simple as calling the CREATE INDEX command and specifying the field(s) to index. Listing A shows you an example:

Listing A

mysql> CREATE INDEX idx_username ON users(username);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.15 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
Here, indexing the username field of the users table ensures that SELECT queries which reference this field in their WHERE or HAVING clause will run a little faster than in the pre-indexed state. You can check that the index was created (Listing B) with the SHOW INDEX command:

Listing B

mysql> SHOW INDEX FROM users;
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name     | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| users |          1 | idx_username |            1 | username    | A         |      NULL |     NULL | NULL   | YES  | BTREE      |         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
It's important to note that indexes are a double-edged sword. Indexing every field of a table is usually unnecessary, and is quite likely to slow things down significantly when inserting or updating data because of the additional work MySQL has to do to rebuild the index each time. On the other hand, avoiding indexes altogether isn't such a great idea either, because while this will speed up INSERTs, it will cause SELECT operations to slow down. There is thus always a trade-off to be made, and it's wise to consider what the primary function of the table will be (data retrieval or data edit) when designing the indexing system.

#2: Optimizing query performance

When analyzing query performance, it's also useful to consider the EXPLAIN keyword. This keyword, when placed in front of a SELECT query, describes how MySQL intends to execute the query and the number of rows it will need to process to successfully deliver a result set. To illustrate, consider the following simple example (Listing C):

Listing C

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT, city.district FROM city, country WHERE city.countrycode = country.code AND country.code = 'IND';
| id | select_type | table   | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | country | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 3       | const |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | city    | ALL   | NULL          | NULL    | NULL    | NULL | 4079 | Using where |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Here, the query is structured as a join between two tables and the EXPLAIN keyword describes how MySQL will process the join. It should be clear the current design will require MySQL to process only one record in the country table (which is indexed) but all 4079 records in the city table (which isn't). This then suggests scope for improvement using other optimization tricks - for example, adding an index to the city table as follows (Listing D):

Listing D

mysql> CREATE INDEX idx_ccode ON city(countrycode);
Query OK, 4079 rows affected (0.15 sec)
Records: 4079  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
And now, when you re-run the query with EXPLAIN, you'll see a noticeable improvement (Listing E):

Listing E

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT, city.district FROM city, country WHERE city.countrycode = country.code AND country.code = 'IND';
| id | select_type | table   | type  | possible_keys | key       | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | country | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY   | 3       | const |    1 | Using index |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | city    | ref   | idx_ccode     | idx_ccode | 3       | const |  333 | Using where |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
As this illustrates, MySQL now only needs to scan 333 records in the city table to produce a result set -- a reduction of almost 90 percent! Naturally, this translates into faster query execution time and more efficient usage of database resources.

#3: Adjusting internal variables

MySQL is so open that it's fairly easy to further fine-tune its default settings to obtain greater performance and stability. Some of the key variables that should be optimized are listed below.
  • Altering Index Buffer Size (key_buffer)
    This variable controls the size of the buffer used when handling table indices (both read and write operations). The MySQL manual recommends that this variable be increased "to as much as you can afford" to ensure you get the best performance on indexed tables, and recommends a value equivalent to about 25 percent of the total system memory. This is one of the more important MySQL configuration variables and if you're interested in optimizing and improving performance, trying different values for the key_buffer_size variable is a good place to start.
  • Altering Table Buffer Size (read_buffer_size)
    When a query requires a table to be scanned sequentially, MySQL allocates a memory buffer to this query. The read_buffer_size variable controls the size of this buffer. If you find that sequential scans are proceeding slowly, you can improve performance by increasing this value, and hence the size of the memory buffer.
  • Setting The Number Of Maximum Open Tables (table_cache)
    This variable controls the maximum number of tables MySQL can have open at any one time, and thus controls the server's ability to respond to incoming requests. This variable is closely related to the max_connections variables -- increasing this value allows MySQL to keep a larger number of tables open, just as increasing max_connections increases the number of allowed connections. Consider altering this value if you have a high-volume server which receives queries on multiple different databases and tables.
  • Deciding A Time Limit For Long Queries (long_query_time)
    MySQL comes with a so-called "slow query log", which automatically logs all queries that do not end within a particular time limit. This log is useful to track inefficient or misbehaving queries, and to find targets for optimization algorithms. The long_query_time variable controls this maximum time limit, in seconds.
The previous discussion should give you some insight into three tools you can use to analyze and optimize your SQL queries, and help you squeeze better performance out of your application. Go on and try them out -- and happy optimizing!

Reference Link


Monday, May 6, 2013

Dates in PHP (Tomorrow, Yesterday, Today of a Given Date)

Dates in PHP (Tomorrow, Yesterday, Today of a Given Date)

echo “<h4>Date Yesterday</h4>”;
$yesterday = date(“Y-m-d”, time()-86400);
echo $yesterday;
echo “<h4>Date Today</h4>”;
echo date(“Y-m-d”);
echo “<h4>Date Tomorrow</h4>”;
$tomorrow = date(“Y-m-d”, time()+86400);
echo $tomorrow;
echo “<hr>”;
echo “<h4>Previous Date from User-defined Date</h4>”;
$gdate = “2008-07-11″;
echo “(” . $gdate . ” supplied.) <br>”;
$dt = strtotime($gdate);
echo date(“Y-m-d”, $dt-86400);
echo “<h4>Next Date from User-defined Date</h4>”;
echo “(” . $gdate . ” supplied.) <br>”;
$dt = strtotime($gdate);
echo date(“Y-m-d”, $dt+86400);
function days_in_between($s, $e){
$d = array();
$s = strtotime($s);
$e = strtotime($e);
for($n=$s; $n<=$e; $n=$n+86400){
array_push($d, strftime(“%Y-%m-%d”, $n));
return $d;


Friday, May 3, 2013

OpenSIPS 1.8.2: Load Balancer on a Redis Cluster

OpenSIPS 1.8.2: Load Balancer on a Redis Cluster

OpenSIPS 1.8.2: Load Balancer on a Redis Cluster
In this article we will see how to configure OpenSIPS with two servers in a cluster module Redis Load_Balancer (a database non-relational NoSQL Family). This module via chachedb_redis. In this way the two servers share the load in real time server configuration presented in BALANCING load. This type of scenario may be an optimal solution for SIP termination providers or generally for any needed configuration where redundant media server and OpenSIPS Server Cluster.
In the two servers is installed minimal version of CentOS 6.3

A server Local IP:

Local IP Server B:

In both servers:

yum update -y
We entered again on both servers and continue with the installation of the required packages for the whole process:

yum install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server gcc gcc-c++ bison bison-devel flex make expat expat-devel unixODBC-devel net-snmp-devel
yum install subversion libxml2 libxml2-devel openssl-devel xmlrpc-c-devel lynx pcre pcre-devel ncurses-devel ncurses-libs
To Redis:
yum install tcl git ruby
OpenSIPS CACHEDB_REDIS module is based on client Redis "hiredis". It will download, compile and install:
cd /usr/src
git clone hiredis
cd hiredis
make install
The download version 1.8.2 of OpenSIPS:
cd /usr/src
svn co opensips_1_8
cd opensips_1_8
make menuconfig
You enter the menu "Set Compile Options" and then "Configure Excluded Modules". Modules are selected "cachedb_redis", "db_mysql" and "regex".

He turns back to the <-, select "Save Changes" and press the Send key twice. He turns back to the <- and select "" Exit & Save All Changes ".

Shipping key is pressed to exit the menu. It compiles and installs:
make prefix=/ all
make prefix=/ install
Is installed OpenSIPS startup script:
cd packaging/fedora
nano opensips.init
We change this line:
to read:
Save the changes and end the configuration:
chmod 755 opensips.init
cp opensips.init /etc/init.d/opensips
chkconfig --add opensips
chkconfig opensips on
We can pass compilation and installation of Redis. The version that supports the Cluster is unstable that came down from github:
cd /usr/src
git clone redisuns
cd redisuns
make test
make install

After installation pass to the server configuration A.

Server A

On this server we will create the database for OpenSIPS then be shared with the second server OpenSIPS:
chkconfig mysqld on
service mysqld start
mysqladmin-u root password sesame
We entered on the client:
mysql-u root-psesamo
We created the OpenSIPS database:
mysql> create database OpenSIPS;
We left the client and configure OpenSIPS to create tables:
mv / etc / OpenSIPS / opensipsctlrc / etc / OpenSIPS / opensipsctlrc.old
nano / etc / OpenSIPS / opensipsctlrc
copy the following lines:
DBHOST = localhost
DBRWPW = "opensipsrw"
OSIPS_FIFO = "/ tmp / opensips_fifo"
PID_FILE = / var / run /
SIP_DOMAIN is the IP address or domain name of our server Linux.Guardamos changes and create the tables:
opensipsdbctl create

We return to enter the MySQL client and create access permissions for the second server OpenSIPS:
mysql-u root-psesamo
mysql> grant all privileges on OpenSIPS. * to 'OpenSIPS' @ '192 .168.180.70 'identified by' opensipsrw ';
We insert two servers load_balancer table:
mysql> insert into load_balancer (group_id, dst_uri, resources, probe_mode, description) values ​​('1 ',' sip: ',' voip / s = 20 ', '2', '20 SIP channels') , ('1 ',' sip: ',' voip / s = 20 ', '2', '20 SIP channels');
mysql> quit
When we share resources through the Redis Cluster, we have to indicate the name of the resource / s at the end. In this case: voip / s
We passed OpenSIPS configuration:
mv / etc / OpenSIPS / opensips.cfg / etc / OpenSIPS / opensips.cfg.old
nano / etc / OpenSIPS / opensips.cfg
We copy the following lines:
# # # # # # # Global Parameters # # # # # # # # #
debug = 3
log_stderror = no
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL6
fork = yes
children = 4
listen = udp:
disable_tcp = yes
disable_tls = yes
auto_aliases = no
# # # # # # # Modules Section # # # # # # # #
# Set module path
mpath = "/ lib / OpenSIPS / modules /"
# # # # SIGNALING module
loadmodule ""
# # # # Stateless module
loadmodule ""
# # # # Transaction Module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("tm", "fr_timer", 5)
modparam ("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 30)
modparam ("tm", "restart_fr_on_each_reply", 0)
modparam ("tm", "onreply_avp_mode", 1)
# # # # Record Route Module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("rr", "append_fromtag", 0)
# # # # MAX FORWARD module
loadmodule ""
# # # # SIP MSG Operations Module
loadmodule ""
# # # # FIFO Management Interface
loadmodule ""
modparam ("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/ tmp / opensips_fifo")
modparam ("mi_fifo", "fifo_mode", 0666)
# # # # URI module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("uri", "use_uri_table", 0)
# # # # User module LOCation
loadmodule ""
modparam ("usrloc", "nat_bflag", 10)
modparam ("usrloc", "db_mode", 0)
# # # # REGISTER module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("registrar", "tcp_persistent_flag", 7)
# # # # Accounting module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("acc", "early_media", 0)
modparam ("acc", "report_cancels", 0)
modparam ("acc", "detect_direction", 0)
modparam ("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 3)
modparam ("acc", "log_flag", 1)
modparam ("acc", "log_missed_flag", 2)
# # # # CACHEDB_REDIS module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("cachedb_redis", "cachedb_url", "redis :/ / localhost: 6379 /")
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
modparam ("dialog", "cachedb_url", "redis :/ / localhost: 6379 /")
modparam ("load_balancer", "db_url", "mysql :/ / opensipsrw: sesame @ localhost / OpenSIPS")
modparam ("load_balancer", "probing_interval", 60)
modparam ("load_balancer", "probing_reply_codes", "404")
# # # # # # # Routing Logic # # # # # # # #
# Main request routing logic
route {
if (! mf_process_maxfwd_header ("10")) {
sl_send_reply ("483", "Too Many Hops");
if (has_totag ()) {
# Sequential request withing a dialog Should
# Take the path determined to by record-routing
if (loose_route ()) {
if (is_method ("BYE")) {
setflag (1); # do accounting ...
setflag (3); # ... even if the transaction fails
} Else if (is_method ("INVITE")) {
# Even if in most of it the cases is useless, do RR for
# Re-INVITEs alos, as some buggy clients do change route in September
# During the dialog.
# Route it out to whatever destination was September by loose_route ()
# In $ du (destination URI).
route (1);
Else {}
if (is_method ("ACK")) {
if (t_check_trans ()) {
# Non loose-route, but stateful ACK; must be an ACK after
# A 487 or eg 404 from upstream server
t_relay ();
Else {}
# ACK without matching transaction ->
# Ignore and discard
sl_send_reply ("404", "Not here");
# CANCEL processing
if (is_method ("CANCEL"))
if (t_check_trans ())
t_relay ();
t_check_trans ();
# Preloaded route checking
if (loose_route ()) {
xlog ("L_ERR"
"Attempt to route with preloaded Route's [$ fu / $ tu / $ ru / $ ci]");
if (! is_method ("ACK"))
sl_send_reply ("403", "Preload Route denied");
# Record routing
if (! is_method ("REGISTER | MESSAGE"))
# Account only INVITEs
if (is_method ("INVITE")) {
setflag (1); # do accounting
if ($ rU == NULL) {
# Request with no Username in RURI
sl_send_reply ("484", "Address Incomplete");
if (! load_balance ("1", "voip / s", "1")) {
send_reply ("500", "Failure to route");
route (1);
route [1] {
# For INVITEs enable some additional helper routes
if (is_method ("INVITE")) {
t_on_branch ("2");
t_on_reply ("2");
t_on_failure ("1");
if (! t_relay ()) {
send_reply ("500", "Internal Error");
branch_route [2] {
xlog ("new branch at $ ru \ n");
onreply_route [2] {
xlog ("incoming reply \ n");
failure_route [1] {
if (t_was_cancelled ()) {
The important lines:
  • modparam ("cachedb_redis", "cachedb_url", "redis :/ / localhost: 6379 /") - To connect to the local Redis server
  • modparam ("dialog", "cachedb_url", "redis :/ / localhost: 6379 /") - To share the dialogues through Redis Cluster
  • if (! load_balance ("1", "voip / s", "1")) {- To call resources configured in the table load_balancer

Save the changes and ended up with Redis:
mkdir / etc / redis
nano / etc / redis / redis.conf
not daemonize
pidfile / var / run /
port 6379
timeout 0
loglevel notice
logfile stdout
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000
stop-writes-on-bgsave and error yes
rdbcompression yes
rdbchecksum yes
dbfilename dump.rdb
dir. /
slave-serve-stale-data yes
read-only slave-yes
slave-priority 100
maxclients 10000
3GB maxmemory
-policy maxmemory noeviction
AppendOnly not
appendfsync everysec
-not-on-rewrite appendfsync not
auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100
auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb
lua-time-limit 5000
cluster-enabled yes
cluster-config-file / etc/redis/nodes-6379.conf
slowlog-log-slower-than 10000
ZipList hash-max-512-entries
ZipList hash-max-64-value
ZipList list-max-512-entries
ZipList list-max-64-value
set-max-512-entries IntSet
ZipList zset-max-128-entries
ZipList zset-max-64-value
activerehashing yes
client-limit output-buffer-Normal 0 0 0
client-output-buffer-limit slave 256mb 64mb 60
client-output-buffer-limit 8mb 32mb pubsub 60
The important lines:
  • cluster-enabled yes - To enable the Cluster
  • cluster-config-file / etc/redis/nodes-6379.conf - Redis file name will be stored in automatic data where Cluster and nodes
Save the changes and start Redis:
redis-server / etc / redis / redis.conf

Redis Cluster not found any yet because it has not yet set the second server. To exit: CTRL-C
Server B
first configure OpenSIPS:
mv / etc / OpenSIPS / opensips.cfg / etc / OpenSIPS / opensips.cfg.old
nano / etc / OpenSIPS / opensips.cfg
We copy the following lines:
# # # # # # # Global Parameters # # # # # # # # #
debug = 3
log_stderror = no
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL6
fork = yes
children = 4
listen = udp:
disable_tcp = yes
disable_tls = yes
auto_aliases = no
# # # # # # # Modules Section # # # # # # # #
# Set module path
mpath = "/ lib / OpenSIPS / modules /"
# # # # SIGNALING module
loadmodule ""
# # # # Stateless module
loadmodule ""
# # # # Transaction Module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("tm", "fr_timer", 5)
modparam ("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 30)
modparam ("tm", "restart_fr_on_each_reply", 0)
modparam ("tm", "onreply_avp_mode", 1)
# # # # Record Route Module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("rr", "append_fromtag", 0)
# # # # MAX FORWARD module
loadmodule ""
# # # # SIP MSG Operations Module
loadmodule ""
# # # # FIFO Management Interface
loadmodule ""
modparam ("mi_fifo", "fifo_name", "/ tmp / opensips_fifo")
modparam ("mi_fifo", "fifo_mode", 0666)
# # # # URI module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("uri", "use_uri_table", 0)
# # # # User module LOCation
loadmodule ""
modparam ("usrloc", "nat_bflag", 10)
modparam ("usrloc", "db_mode", 0)
# # # # REGISTER module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("registrar", "tcp_persistent_flag", 7)
# # # # Accounting module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("acc", "early_media", 0)
modparam ("acc", "report_cancels", 0)
modparam ("acc", "detect_direction", 0)
modparam ("acc", "failed_transaction_flag", 3)
modparam ("acc", "log_flag", 1)
modparam ("acc", "log_missed_flag", 2)
# # # # CACHEDB_REDIS module
loadmodule ""
modparam ("cachedb_redis", "cachedb_url", "redis :/ / localhost: 6380 /")
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""
modparam ("dialog", "cachedb_url", "redis :/ / localhost: 6380 /")
modparam ("load_balancer", "db_url", "mysql :/ / OpenSIPS: opensipsrw@ / OpenSIPS")
modparam ("load_balancer", "probing_interval", 60)
modparam ("load_balancer", "probing_reply_codes", "404")
# # # # # # # Routing Logic # # # # # # # #
# Main request routing logic
route {
if (! mf_process_maxfwd_header ("10")) {
sl_send_reply ("483", "Too Many Hops");
if (has_totag ()) {
# Sequential request withing a dialog Should
# Take the path determined to by record-routing
if (loose_route ()) {
if (is_method ("BYE")) {
setflag (1); # do accounting ...
setflag (3); # ... even if the transaction fails
} Else if (is_method ("INVITE")) {
# Even if in most of it the cases is useless, do RR for
# Re-INVITEs alos, as some buggy clients do change route in September
# During the dialog.
# Route it out to whatever destination was September by loose_route ()
# In $ du (destination URI).
route (1);
Else {}
if (is_method ("ACK")) {
if (t_check_trans ()) {
# Non loose-route, but stateful ACK; must be an ACK after
# A 487 or eg 404 from upstream server
t_relay ();
Else {}
# ACK without matching transaction ->
# Ignore and discard
sl_send_reply ("404", "Not here");
# CANCEL processing
if (is_method ("CANCEL"))
if (t_check_trans ())
t_relay ();
t_check_trans ();
# Preloaded route checking
if (loose_route ()) {
xlog ("L_ERR"
"Attempt to route with preloaded Route's [$ fu / $ tu / $ ru / $ ci]");
if (! is_method ("ACK"))
sl_send_reply ("403", "Preload Route denied");
# Record routing
if (! is_method ("REGISTER | MESSAGE"))
# Account only INVITEs
if (is_method ("INVITE")) {
setflag (1); # do accounting
if ($ rU == NULL) {
# Request with no Username in RURI
sl_send_reply ("484", "Address Incomplete");
if (! load_balance ("1", "voip / s", "1")) {
send_reply ("500", "Failure to route");
route (1);
route [1] {
# For INVITEs enable some additional helper routes
if (is_method ("INVITE")) {
t_on_branch ("2");
t_on_reply ("2");
t_on_failure ("1");
if (! t_relay ()) {
send_reply ("500", "Internal Error");
branch_route [2] {
xlog ("new branch at $ ru \ n");
onreply_route [2] {
xlog ("incoming reply \ n");
failure_route [1] {
if (t_was_cancelled ()) {

Save the changes and configure redistribution:
mkdir / etc / redis
nano / etc / redis / redis.conf
We copy the configuration to the second server:
not daemonize
pidfile / var / run /
port 6380
timeout 0
loglevel notice
logfile stdout
save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000
stop-writes-on-bgsave and error yes
rdbcompression yes
rdbchecksum yes
dbfilename dump.rdb
dir. /
slave-serve-stale-data yes
read-only slave-yes
slave-priority 100
maxclients 10000
3GB maxmemory
-policy maxmemory noeviction
AppendOnly not
appendfsync everysec
-not-on-rewrite appendfsync not
auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100
auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb
lua-time-limit 5000
cluster-enabled yes
cluster-config-file / etc/redis/nodes-6380.conf
slowlog-log-slower-than 10000
ZipList hash-max-512-entries
ZipList hash-max-64-value
ZipList list-max-512-entries
ZipList list-max-64-value
set-max-512-entries IntSet
ZipList zset-max-128-entries
ZipList zset-max-64-value
activerehashing yes
client-limit output-buffer-Normal 0 0 0
client-output-buffer-limit slave 256mb 64mb 60
client-output-buffer-limit 8mb 32mb pubsub 60
Save the changes and start Redis on both servers:
Server A:
redis-server / etc / redis / redis.conf
Server B:
redis-server / etc / redis / redis.conf
For each cluster node must know the other "introduce him." On Server A console enter Redis (in another terminal window):
We look at the situation of the Cluster:
redis> cluster nodes
28cc1625f86f777065a057fd19cc0cb8d49cf4b3: 0 myself - 0 0 connected
There is still only one (local). We write:
redis> 6380 cluster meet
We look again:
redis> cluster nodes a862b68040167034f20a1ec535769fc6e2e175e5 master - 1352482127 1352482127 connected
28cc1625f86f777065a057fd19cc0cb8d49cf4b3: 0 myself - 0 0 connected
Since the local node knows the other and vice versa.
We leave the console:
redis> quit
In the console of both servers Redis appear:
[15170] November 9 17:28:40.440 * Connecting with Node d376333ff55910a6d54c9c7dace20d7d92a5ef9a at
[13763] November 9 17:29:03.183 * Connecting with Node 86d0dc855d790c8ec42f63486e08b87613971d05 at
Redis Cluster system provides a total of 4096 nodes Hash Slots . As nodes are two, the Hash Slots are allocated as follows:
Server A
Open another terminal window and type:
echo '(0 .. 2047). each {| x | puts "CLUSTER ADDSLOTS" + x.to_s}' | ruby | redis-cli-p 6379> / dev / null
Server B
Open another terminal window and type:
echo '(2048 .. 4095). each {| x | puts "CLUSTER ADDSLOTS" + x.to_s}' | ruby | redis-cli-p 6380> / dev / null
We left both Redis server with CTRL-C to return to start:
redis-server / etc / redis / redis.conf
We entered Redis server console A:
redis> cluster info
cluster_state: ok
cluster_slots_assigned: 4096
cluster_slots_ok: 4096
cluster_slots_pfail: 0
cluster_slots_fail: 0
cluster_known_nodes 2
Both Cluster are working perfectly.
We leave the console:
redis> quit
Bookseller OpenSIPS looking in the / usr / lib while in / usr / local / lib. In both servers create a symbolic link:
cd / usr / lib
ln-s / usr/local/lib/
Now we can start both servers OpenSIPS:
OpenSIPS service start
On another server (AsteriskA) in the same local network with Asterisk installed, send all calls to OpenSIPS servers:
nano / etc / asterisk / sip.conf
end of the file add the two OpenSIPS servers:
type = peer
context = from-OpenSIPS
host =
disallow = all
allow = alaw
qualify = yes
type = peer
context = from-OpenSIPS
host =
disallow = all
allow = alaw
qualify = yes
Save the changes and reload the SIP settings
asterisk-rx "sip reload"
Timely Configure dialplan to send the calls to the server OpenSIPsA and if the server fails OpenSIPsB
Asterisk configure both servers present in the loading configuration BALANCING to accept INVITE arriving from the two servers OpenSIPS:
type = peer
context = opensipscluster
host =
disallow = all
allow = alaw
dtmfmode = rfc2833
nat = no
type = peer
context = opensipcluster
host =
disallow = all
allow = alaw
dtmfmode = rfc2833
nat = no
Save the changes and reload the SIP configuration:
asterisk-rx "sip reload"
Now create the context "opensipscluster" nel dialplan:
nano / etc / asterisk / extensions.conf
exten => _X., 1, Answer
same => n, Playback (tt-monkeys)
same => n, hangup
Save the changes and reload the dialplan:
asterisk-rx "dialplan reload"
Now from a softphone connected to the server AsteriskA, mark any number that comes out of the trunk OpeSIPs configured:
The result in the Asterisk where the call arrives:

 The Redis Cluster and chachedb_redis module, function correctly.
Final note: it is not advisable to leave the MySQL server in one of the two servers is installed OpenSIPS. Better to have it on a third server.
Presentation " Distributed SIP clusters with OpenSIPS "By Bogdan

Reference Link