Friday, March 22, 2013

cisco callmanager and eyebeam

How to configure Counterpath Eyebeam and Bria SIP softphones with Callmanager 6.x 7.x
(third party sip softphones with Callmanager 6.x 7.x)

I made this document based on a document that I saw online, although I made some modifications to it.
Before continuing keep in mind the DLU consumption in Unified Communications Manager 6.x 7.x
The SIP softphones below can also be registered with a SIP SRST Voice Gateway,

Step 1
- You need to have a user created under user management. You get to it by User Management > End User.

- Create a username, giving it a username, password & PIN.

Step 2
- Go to phone devices (Device | Phone).

- Add a device; for the Phone Type, use Third Party SIP Device; click Next.

- For Mac Address, do not use the Mac address but instead use the extension preceded with eight zeros.

If your extension is 7777, enter 000000007777 (that's 8 zeros so you end up with 12 digits).

- For description, append SEP (it's case sensitive!) to the string you used above as the MAC Address.

- For device Pool, choose default.

Phone Button Template: Third Party SIP Device (Basic).

Common Phone Profile: Standard Common Phone Profile.

Location: the appropiate location

Owner User ID: The user that you created in step 1 above.

Presence Group: Standard Presence Group

MTP Preferred Originating Codec: 711ulaw (greyed-out option, so we cannot change it).

SIP Phone Security Profile: Standard SIP Profile for Auto Registration.

SIP Profile: Standard SIP Profile.

- Digest user: Same user as for "owner user id" above.

Step 3
Save and reset.

For eyeBeam 1.5, X-Lite
Right click and select SIP Account Settings.
Click add to add a new account.
For Display Name, enter user name created in step 1 at the top.
For User Name, enter the extension, such as 7777 used above.
Password (this is the same password that you created in for the user in Step 1).
Authorization user name is same as display name.
Domain is the IP address of the Call Manager.
Select and Click OK.
Select and Click Close.
eyeBeam should register just fine
For Bria

Click File | Account Settings.
Click Add to add a new SIP account.
For Display Name, enter user name created in step 1 at the top.
For User Name, enter the extension, such as 7777 used above followed by @ and the IP address of the Call Manager.
Password (this is the same password that you created in for the user in Step 1).
Authorization user name is same as display name.
Select and Click OK.
Select and Click OK.

Bria should register just fine

How to configure Counterpath Eyebeam and Bria SIP softphones with Callmanager 6.x 7.x

Friday, March 1, 2013

how we can change size of EBS volume in EC2 of AWS using AWS console

Simple Steps to change size of EBS volume in EC2 of AWS using AWS console.

I found many of us who use EC2 (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud) instances of AWS (Amazon Web Services) face issue of increasing size of their current EC2 instance without disturbing environment at run time.
Here are simple steps which will help you to change your current EC2 instance’s EBS (Elastic Block Store) volume size at run time through AWS console only.
  1. Create snapshot of existing (old) volume
  2. Create Snapshot of Existing Volume
  3. Then create new volume from created snapshot with new size
  4. Create New Volume With New Snapshot
  5. Put new size there
  6. Put New Volume
  7. Stop running instance
  8. Stop Running Instance
  9. Detach current volume
  10. Detach Current Volume
  11. Attach newly created volume in step 2 with Device as /dev/sda1 (It works only with /dev/sda1)
  12. Attach Newly Created Volume
  13. Then check with elastic IP address
  14. Check With Elastic IP For Same
  15. Then start instance.If you are not able to log-in, then disassociate IP and attach again and then start instance
  16. Finally after you gets connected through putty using either ec2-user for fedora/Amazon AMI and root for centOS
    Run following commands
  17. sudo su
    sudo resize2fs /dev/sda1
    If this command does not work, then give sudo resize2fs /dev/xvda1. Basically /dev/xvda1 denotes your existing name on file system.
    It’s done. :)
Reference Link: